Thursday, September 4, 2014

Experiencing a C-section when planning for a Natural Birth 🌷

I hadn't planned on publicly posting Ailee's birth story. I did know however, that I wanted to journal the experience even before delivery, no matter the process. I found it very healing to get our story down on paper, as I was brought to tears writing it, and felt a sigh of relief as I typed the last few words. As the weeks led on seeing how helpful reading similar stories was for me, I decided to post mine in the hopes that it will be comforting to some mommies. 

I spent a lot of time revising this post, because I don't want it to seem in any way that I'm bashing Doctors or the hospital system. I delivered our baby in the most gorgeous hospital and had a great team at her birth. I did however have a bad experience with the Doctor on call in labor and delivery, as you will notice while reading. This is going to be a long post, first going through our birth experience and ending with my thoughts on healing and the future. I hope our story is helpful in some way!

Our Birth Story 🌻
My husband and I started the journey to create our first little baby after a big move 7 hours from family for a new job venture. We tried to conceive for 5 months or so, ovulating tracking a little but mostly just using the o'natural way. After we decided to move closer to family and my husband quit his negative job, we arrived in Orlando, one of our considered "home towns." A week or so after the move, we visited family and right before Thanksgiving, I felt a little "funny." I had gotten myself into the mindset of "don't expect anything," when taking a pregnancy test since I cried every time one was negative, even though I knew most healthy couples conceive within a year and we had nothing to worry about. I looked down at the test after having my eyes closed for those 3 minutes and saw a dark pink line (which I was used to), and right beside it was a little miracle. The faintest and teensiest pink line you had ever seen. Naturally I thought I would break out into tears, but instead all I could say was "Trrrrroooyyyyy...." and walked into the bedroom with a big smile on my face. We hugged for a long minute and I think those grins lasted for a good amount of the next 8 months.

I loved being pregnant, no morning sickness, a cute belly, I stayed healthy, and exercised. The hardest part was: I was a worried mess. I wanted to eat the right things, do the right things, and feel the baby move 24/7. My husband was great throughout the pregnancy, always reassuring me that she was ok, and humored me when I wanted an extra ultrasound to check on her. 

My Birth Plan
We had decided even before we were trying to conceive that we wanted a more natural birth experience. I had done more research on natural birth than a doctoral student working on her thesis. I read books, watched personal experiences online, articles, and knew the facts by heart of medical vs natural birth methods. I was passionate about the birth experience being a personal decision for every woman and natural was the way that felt right for me and my family. We found a place in Orlando that I loved right from the start, educated midwives, a relaxed non medical office, and just enough testing to make me and my hubby feel at ease about our baby's care. I breezed through all the glucose tests, blood tests, and all those goodies which allowed me to build confidence about my pregnancy and baby. We decided to attend a hypnobirthing class in preparation, and it was a nice weekly ritual for hubby and me to relax and come to the exciting realization that our baby would be here in a few short months. It taught us to relax and breathe. Our bodies were created to birth a baby, and with the right relaxing atmosphere, pain can be minimized and the experience can be an amazing awakening and journey for baby, mom, and dad. Troy knew his part, massaging, focusing, encouraging, and being my coach through the birth. He was amazing, he read everything he needed to, practiced breathing exercises with me, and read relaxation scripts without laughing or not taking it seriously. 

I felt a rush of being ready and being nervous towards the end of my pregnancy. Any little negativity would push me over the edge, and positive words from my hubby helped me focus. I was back to swimming daily, yoga, and eating healthy after a higher blood pressure reading at one of my appointments. This news brought me so down and the midwife assistant was very unessesarily worrisome with her language making me feel unhealthy and on the verge of preclampsia. This was not a worry I wanted to add to the list being a little over a month to my due date. I wanted nothing in the way of my home birth that Troy and I has so eagerly set up, planned, practiced, and hoped for. I needed to make it to 37 weeks, I was taking it easy and waiting for my home visit on the 4th of July. This pretty much approved everything for the home birth and I was getting excited in the realization that my baby would be here soon. 

In the wee hours of the morning (1:30am) of June 30th, 2014 I felt a trickle. Nothing out of the ordinary for an almost 9 month pregnant woman. Things were trickling out of me from everywhere all day everyday. For some reason a rush went through my head of "what if it's amniotic fluid and could be bad for the baby if it has meconium, I should sit on the toilet and take a look." I did the "go to the bathroom roll" out of the bed, and firmly planted both feet on the ground. "Gush" a warm sensation and trickle down my legs led me to state in a surprisingly calm tone,"Troy, my water broke." He didn't do a Hollywood jump out of bed and run around the room, instead I heard the squeak of the bed as he rolled over and he said "What? Are you sure?" I was waddling to the bathroom at this point, not sure why, maybe to let it drip into the toilet? Check the color? Pee? I don't remember. I heard a "swoop" as my husband slipped on my water trail, he quickly recovered and walked around on a towel cleaning up so I wouldn't slip. He grabbed me and we hugged as I cried and blubbered in an all out wail, "This is exactly what I didn't want to happen!" Troy reminded me that we get to meet the baby soon, and that it will all work out fine. He was very calm and asked me what he should do next. I lowered myself into my glider with a towel between my legs, and started my calm breathing. I knew at this point my home birth was out the window and decisions were going to have to be made to stay on course for the natural birth we wanted, even with medical interventions. My legs were bouncing up and down as I sat in my glider from fear and adrenaline and I told Troy to call the midwife first. My mind raced knowing that my water breaking this early and without really feeling any surges (contractions) was a bad scenario, one the hospital would only minimally tolerate without drug induced interventions. Troy left a message with the midwife on call, and 15 minutes later, no call back. We went into attack mode, calling pretty much every number on the phone list, when finally a not-on-call midwife dialed back. Troy got some information, and relayed to her our scenario, and she advised to take a shower, eat a good breakfast, pack up and head to the Hospital. It wasn't an emergency type feeling anymore, we had time, this wasn't the closest hospital, but we had the time to drive to one they recommended, which made me feel better. I dictated to Troy what to throw in my Vera Bradley tote, a bag set that I always thought would be cute as a hospital bag, but never dreamed of having to pack it. I felt unprepared, I had my whole linen closet packed full of a birth kit, but no emergency hospital bag. My mind reeled through Pinterest pins that I had glanced at and thought, "Whew, glad I dont have to pack one of those, I have everything right here at home for my birth!" Now, not so much. I remembered some recommended basics, change of clothes, your own pjs, comfy socks, baby clothes, clothes for dad, lots of toilatries that smell like home, and your own pillow. Thank goodness for the pillow!!! Troy and I took a hot shower, he made me some waffles and the midwife on call finally got back to us. At this point I thought someone from the midwife's staff would be meeting me at the hospital as a doula and advocate. After this phone call, I knew Troy was going to have to be my everything, and he was already in protector, daddy, birth partner, and calm husband mode. I don't know how he did this so well, but I feel so blessed for this above all else. We ate our waffles, Troy packed the car, and we headed out. We had my aunt coming for the dogs in the later morning and we stopped to get cash to be prepared. The drive was serene, nobody on the road, almost foggy. Troy and I held hands, I was a little crampy, but very comfortable other than the continuous drips and mini gushes of water in the huge pad I was sporting. It took us a minute to figure out where to park, we headed inside, Troy carrying our bundle. I checked in much like a Drs. appointment, and had a few laughs with the plethora of nurse ladies crowded around the desk at these wee hours of the morning. It was around 4am now. I sat down, being asked short generic questions, medical history etc, then moved to a tiny exam room. Nurses and Drs. came in and out to begin the journey of never having the same person in the room for more than a few minutes "Are you my nurse? Are you my Dr? I kept asking." "Nope I don't work upstairs, or no my shift is ending," were the replies. After some blood work and an ultrasound, I was given the verdict we knew at 1:30am, my water had indeed broken. The ultrasound showed our baby doing well, I couldnt see, but the focus was not really on me with the Dr, it was about numbers and status. The Dr. I knew now for the whole of 5 minutes checked me and declared 3 cm dilated. This was good news to me, as I was pretty comfortable and feeling little to no surges, just nervous. I was told what I also already knew that they wanted to give me medication right away to progress me and limit the risk of infection to us both. They threw out the word pitocin right away, but were going to try a cervical insert first to hopefully jump start my dialation. I'm sure that I said multiple times at this point already that I wanted a more natural experience and felt shut down immediately by this Dr. with medical comebacks, I was kind of happy at this point she didn't work upstairs, where I was headed. 

Hospital Journey
I was whisked away in a wheelchair, Troy not far behind with our goodies on a cart. We didn't exactly know where we were going, if I was getting the cervical medication, delivering this baby soon or not. The triage room was nice, hotel quality bathroom, and faux wood floors. I was already hooked up to the IV, put in a hospital bed, and told to wait. Troy and I took this time to rest in the room, which was constantly interrupted by people with clipboards, taking my vitals, discussing pain management drugs, and possible scary outcomes. We were trying our best to stay in the calm, relaxed mindset even with these off putting interruptions. We really didn't know what was going on at this point, I was slightly crampy but no pain. A few nurses gave their opinion that I was progressing too much for the cervadil insert, but not enough to opt out of pitocin when transferred to labor and delivery. This didn't make a whole lot of sense at this point, but we were excited to still be able to order breakfast, which was now open at 7:00am. We had some croissant-wiches, and juice which was nice, I was hungry already at this point and knew I needed strength and rest. The rest was not coming easy, my body was battling with nerves, but knew I needed to find calm to have a shot at the natural relaxed birth we were hoping for. Before we knew it, a transport had been ordered to bring us to labor and delivery, kind of annoying that we had to pack our things up again and move after getting comfy. I was frustrated and ready to get relaxed and into my birth methods, it was very unsettling
 to constantly have to move. I was ready to be in my own little zone with Troy, and praying they would give me the space I needed to do this. 

Labor and Delivery
I was pleasantly surprised with our labor and delivery room, it was double the size of the last room, equipped with birth ball, and our own tub. I was slightly uplifted by the way the room looked, and the appearance that they would be open to some alternative birth methods other than laying flat in the bed. But for the time being, I was in the bed. A new nurse or Dr. came in every minute, different ones from the triage room that we had developed a rapport with. This was very difficult for me, having to convey my natural outlook and wishes for delivery to a multitude of people, with my fingers crossed I would be supported and not ridiculed. I wrote a birth plan with a mini pencil on computer paper in the room, which was added to my file, I was glad at least the Drs. and nurses were forewarned. After being re-hooked up to surge and fetal heart monitors, (this time wireless, which was an improvement), I was able to get into the zone of relaxation that I had been striving for. I stayed laying down, trying to conserve my energy. After a while, and being interrupted during my "rainbow relaxation," many times, usually to ask me the same questions; "Why are you here? What pain methods are you using? You are at risk of infection so we need to speed things along," I was put on my worst nightmare, pitocin. On one hand I didn't know if I could stay with my natural birth plan with this medical intervention, and on the other hand I was ready to get more going in my labor. The nurse was kind and turned up the pitocin in smaller doses since she knew I was not using an epidural, and didn't want to overwhelm me. I felt the surges more now, and Troy seemed so proud of me watching a big one go by and I stayed relaxed. I was filled with confidence, I relaxed, changed positions, Troy helped me through larger ones pushing on my pelvis and hips. I really felt like I had this, and I was sure I was making progress. But still at this point, whether it still be the shock of being in labor, or because of being in the hospital, I didn't feel extremely connected to my baby or the image of "pushing her out." I didn't let this get to me, I just kept in the mindset that every surge was bringing me closer to her, and each was a hurdle to be proud of accomplishing. I got a cringe every time someone entered the room, but I was getting in a mode of not even worrying about them and not showing embarrassment for my "Enya" or relaxation meditation blasting. Another anesthesiologist came in after a while and offered pain medication again, he seemed a little off put with my music while he was trying to speak, and told me he thought "epidurals were great," but gave me space when I stuck with my wishes to have a natural birth. The surges were closer together, and my main goal was to not let them get out of control and keep with new pain interventions. So, I had the nurse bring me water, a popsicle, and ice periodically. Finally around 5:30 or 6pm I was ready to sit on my ball in the shower. I was still being monitored for an infection, and was being given antibiotics through my IV, so submerging in water was not allowed. It felt great, letting the hot water run on my pelvis, where the surges seemed to have migrated to and intensified. I was so happy that I decided to sit in the shower at this moment because the water really was taking the edge off. All my relaxation quickly turned to irritation, when I was told to get out of the tub, I thought this was just to adjust my monitors, but I was being dried off and dressed by the nurse before I knew it. They asked me to lay down on my side and wait for the Dr. to come see me. The baby's heartrate had been rising, then dipping with every contraction, showing distress and a pinched umbilical cord. The Dr. came in and proceeded to insert a small clear tube up my cervix to push water and fluid back into my baby's space and hopefully enable the cord to move freely. The Dr. was so rough, barely looking at me while she did this procedure, she instead looked at the shadowing resident explaining what she was doing, like I was a dummy in a lab they were practicing on. I didn't like her, nor did I like the term she was about to introduce into our birth plan: c-section. I anticipated medication, IVs, them whisking my baby away, and cutting the cord faster than I wanted, but a c-section never entered my mind. I felt like the time between the introduction of this news of a possible c-section to
 the decision to perform one was about 30 seconds long. It was pretty much decided, all the risks and side effects were being read to me, and the main Dr. on the floor entered the room with a growing crowd of nurses. I felt like there were 30 people in the room, I couldn't find Troy when quickly scanning the room with my eyes, and part of me didn't want to find him in fear that I would see concern in his eyes. The floor Dr. had a better bedside manner, he was to the point, and stated the reality short and sweet, "We need to get your baby out healthy, let's do it." I was still having contractions at this point, all in my front lower belly and I held my hand up to stop them from talking at times because it seemed nobody understood that while I'm trying to listen, comprehend, and process all this I'm having increasingly worse contractions from the stress. My body was shaking like a leaf, mirroring how it was when my water broke that morning, but it 100 times worse running from my chattering teeth to my toes and there was no hiding or controlling it. I apologized about it to the nurses who were now wiping my whole body down with antibacterial wipes. About 6 people were taking my gown off, lifting it up wiping all over whilst the contractions and shivers were taking over my body. It felt a little out of body at this point. I was surrounded by strangers, but felt so alone, I saw Troy taking care of our things and putting them on the cart. He was handed a gown and cap, and knew he would be right behind me. A skinny, little, young, nurse had captured my attention, telling me that I was "doing great mama," and complimented me on my continued deep breathing. This was the only thing keeping me from crying and screaming in fear and pain. She made me feel like a person and not a science experiment on a conveyer belt. Their goal was to get my baby out and the disregard to how I felt and the pain I was experiencing was scary to me, but I tried to remain calm and compliant to get it over with as easy as possible. I had to hunch over despite the pelvic contractions, the only person who noticed I was still getting through these was the little nurse now holding me up as I leaned forward in a ball for the spinal. I just kept whispering "I'm having a contraction," and the nurse validated this. "Bee sting, which side do you feel that on?" was the phrase I heard over and over for the next 26 minutes. Someone was pushing a fetal heart monitor into my pelvis simultaneously, yelling "not able to position for fetal heartbeat since entering OR." It felt like forever and like a blink of an eye all at the same time. Finally a second anesthesiologist came in after I learned later that 4 spinals didn't work. The failed spinals felt like a sharp shoot of pain up my right side, sometimes making my right arm and leg move. The one that "worked" felt different and localized in the middle of my spine, and I felt the warm numbing sensation they had spoken about in my feet. At this point I was singing "pop goes the weasel," no idea why that song, but the nurse commented that I was funny, and I think my brain needed this to get me through. A catheter went in, and my contractions continued as they laid me flat and pulled up the curtain. I barely noticed Troy was there, as they touched my belly with an instrument and I jumped off the table. Something inside me knew this situation was about to get worse, as the anesthesiologist stated the spinal needed more time to kick in, and the OBGYN  stated there was no time. I almost wanted to lie and say I couldn't feel the touch so I didn't have to get put under and Troy could stay. I couldn't, they touched my belly one more time, I jumped, they whisked Troy up, he gave me a kiss goodbye, and they put the mask on my face. I took the deep breaths they instructed me to remembering this scenario as the "very unlikely" one they had reiterated to me in the anesthesia babble earlier. 15% mortality rate rang in my ears as I drifted off, thinking "shit, this is kind of a big deal." I honestly just wanted to be snoozing at this point, between the stress, pain, and anxiety I drifted off probably more peaceful than I had been in the past hour.

I woke up being pushed in a hospital bed, I don't remember pain, just being disoriented and confused. I was crying, asking if the baby was ok. Troy showed me pictures of her and told me she was fine. I guess I was a broken record and asked over and over, but I honestly didn't even understand what was going on where I was going, or where the baby was. I was in a little room with cloth screens around with one lady working on a machine attached to my IV typing on a laptop. Troy was standing beside the rolling bed and we were talking about who to call and he told me that his parents were at the hospital. We decided to call my mom and sisters in Ireland, even if it was in the wee hours of the morning for them, Troy left a message that was sure to surprise them in the morning. The nurse instructed me on how to use my button for pain medication, and they wheeled me to see the baby. I started to cry hysterically seeing her attached to all the wires, and in shock that she was here. 

They brought us to our new room, all our things were there and I was lifted into the bed. Troy's parents were there, I waved from my wheely bed and at the time I felt so awake and "with it." Now looking back, it's hard to remember the sequence of things or any concept of time. I wanted water, and soon Troys parents left to give us space. We went to bed and I remember pressing my pain medication button often, more in fear that the pain would be unbearable if I waited too long. I woke up, wanting to get off the morphine IV, and I needed to eat to do that. The night had been very interrupted, catheter bag drained, vitals taken, and dressings changed. I was so excited to eat, we had to get liquidy things at first but it was still food. At this point, as strange as it sounds, I didn't have a longing desire to see my baby, I could still feel her kick inside my slightly smaller, but swollen belly. I kept telling myself that she was out, and even the thought that there was a small overlooked twin in there crossed my mind. I'm not sure if this was because of the morphine, surgery, stress, or because I was under when she was born and never truly "saw" her be born, maybe my body didn't register it as an event. Late morning came and I was accompanied by Troy, my aunt and uncle, and my inlaws as I hobbled into my wheelchair and went to see Ailee for the first time in a more alert state of mind. Everyone washed up, and I used foam since I couldn't get out of the chair physically and because of the restraint of my IV, and catheter bag hanging off the front for all to see. She was crying, I didn't want to burst into tears so I barely looked at her. Everyone had seen her already, Troy had to escort them down to the NICU, which I think he liked. Troy had seen her 8 times or so already, which made me happy, that she was being loved and doted on in my mental and physical absence. When I finally got to hold her, I knew she was mine, but I didn't recognize her at the same time. She looked like Troy, and was cute as a button. His parents gave us some space, and the lactation consultant came to help me out. I had requested a breast pump that morning and pumped a little collastrum for her. It felt more real to have her nurse, even though it wasn't perfect at first. We went back to the room, now I felt more in mom mode. I wanted to pump and feed her. I knew I needed to get off this morphine, so I kept progressing through the steps of food, to be able to get on pills. I felt guilty taking anything at all while trying to breastfeed, but I would not have been able to get up and down 3 floors to see her without medication. I was so glad to get off my IV and catheter, even though I knew I would have to hobble to the bathroom now. Every time went to the NICU Ailee looked better and better, but I was filled with nerves that something would go wrong and they would want to keep her for a long time. But we both improved, enough to go home, 3 days after the trickily unexpected morning. We got to go home with our sweet baby girl, born perfectly at 6lbs 4.8oz and 18.5inches long. 

Thoughts and struggles
 **(I had these feelings the first month or so after birth, I made sure to discuss my feelings with my husband and family daily and to be aware of postpardom depression. I'm including them so mommies out there don't feel guilty or alone. Most of these more negative feelings passed quickly and now being 2 months out my focus is on my precious baby and family 😊)**
-It's fine for me to mourn and be sad that the birth didn't go as planned -Even though the baby is healthy, I shouldn't feel guilt in wishing things could have been different at her birth -I didn't get to push my baby out -My body failed us -I was in disbelief that I had her right after surgery -I didn't get to see Troy meet the baby -I was drugged up meeting my baby for the first time -No skin to skin right away -Her cord was cut and she was put on formula -I'm scared to have another baby -I have flashbacks about the birth -I didn't feel connected right away since I wasn't able to care for her myself at first -I had to be taken care of so much by my husband -What method of childbirth should I use next time -What if there are complications again if I had a home birth

-My family and I are healthy and safe -My baby was well cared for in NICU -I was well cared for both in surgery and by the nurses when recovering -Overall I had a good hospital experience -It was a special time for us as a new family -I love my husband more than ever and it was an amazing time to grow together 
-Hypnobirthing techniques were my saving grace!!

*Thoughts after time has gone by; Ailee's birth story is not stressful to talk or think about. I have been able to process the experience and plan to have another child without anxious feelings. I love my baby and husband more than anything. I feel a strong connection with her no matter the lack of skin to skin contact we had at delivery. I can tell she loves me and has been excellent at breastfeeding from day 1 at home, which I am so greatful for!!! We are a happy and healthy family even without our natural birth we planned for!!

**Please, please, please!! NO negative comments!! It took a lot to put myself out there and post this. My intention is to put the feelings I had throughout birth and postpardom in this post to normalize with other families with similar experiences 😊

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you posted your story. It will be an inspiration for many. :)
